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Laser Resurfacing is a verified method of reducing acne scars, age spots, other blemishes, and wrinkles. It’s been proven to balance tone and tighten skin. Since lasers have such a variety of uses for your skin, it’s hard to figure which devices and methods are best for you. These key things should help you make an informed decision to help with your laser skin resurfacing Los Angeles. The car

1. When is the Best Time to Have Laser Skin Resurfacing?
Some consider autumn to be “laser season”. The reason is due to the hypersensitivity to sun exposure of laser-treated skin. This sensitivity can last up to 1 year, depending on the procedure. Many cosmetic surgeons often recommend these procedures in the fall or winter, due to the shorter days and most time being spent indoors.

Nevertheless, you should reapply a broad-spectrum SPF 30+ as needed no matter the season you have your treatment. This will provide skin cancer protection, help prevent premature aging, and keep your results looking their best.

2. Your Treatment May Be Painful
Doctors and patients compare the treatments’ sensations to a rubber band snapping against the skin. Feelings will vary depending on the depth and area of treatment, laser, and a person’s pain tolerance.

Local anesthetic injections or IV sedation for comfort may be required for deeper ablative laser treatments.

At most a topical numbing cream to counterbalance discomfort is required for non-ablative laser treatments. After the treatment, the area may be tender. Your doctor will provide safe pain solutions if needed.

3. Laser Skin Resurfacing For Darker Skin
While there is a higher risk of cell damage when using certain lasers on darker skin, effective and safe resurfacing options are available. Erbium laser resurfacing often poses less risk for lighter brown complections. Radio-frequency treatments and microneedling are best for darker brown-hued patients.

Consult a provider who has extensive knowledge and training dealing with darker-skinned patients for best results.

4. The Provider You Choose MATTERS
Use a laser resurfacing provider’s experience, qualification, and training to make your decision. An American Board of Cosmetic Surgery certified surgeon is your best bet. A provider performing laser skin rejuvenation in Los Angeles near you.

5. Medications or Conditions Affect Reaction to Treatment

  • Laser treatments may cause breakouts if you’re prone to cold sores/fever blisters.
  • Isotretinoin use can lead to poor healing/scarring.
  • Quit smoking a minimum of 2 weeks prior to treatment for best results.
  • Diabetes can impact results and safety.

6. Variety of Lasers for Skin Types

  • CO2 – ablative lasers that treat warts, scars, and wrinkles
  • Erbium – ablative or non-ablative lasers which promote collagen. Treats age spots, fine lines, skin laxity, and wrinkles.
  • Pulsed-Dye – non-ablative lasers that absorb pigments, reducing broken capillaries, redness, rosacea, and hyperpigmentation.
  • Fractional – ablative or non-ablative lasers are used for numerous age-related imperfections with a reduced downtime.
  • IPL – aren’t lasers, but commonly used to treat acne, sun damage, rosacea, and hyperpigmentation.

7. Plan on Multiple Treatments
Sometimes a singular treatment rectifies a patient’s concerns. However, multiple treatments produce the best results for most non-ablative lasers. Your best med spa Los Angeles has several options.

8. Downtime Varies
Non-ablative lasers often don’t require downtime and ablative can require from 2 to 3 weeks to heal.

No need to stay at home during the healing process; your new skin will be sensitive, raw, red and scab over as it heals. Modification to your daily activities is required where it’s possible for infection.

Laser resurfacing Los Angeles is possible and you’re encouraged to seek a skilled professional that can meet your needs.

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