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If you’re struggling with acne, then our best med spa Los Angeles location can help you. We use blue light therapy for acne treatment that really works. Let our friendly medical staff help you put your best face forward with our efficient care.

What Is Blue Light Therapy?
Blue light therapy is a non-invasive way to get rid of stubborn acne. Our acne spa treatment uses lasers that will get rid of the bacteria that are causing the acne. We get to the source of the problem to stop acne before it happens.

Benefits Of Blue Light Therapy
After several treatments, you’ll begin to see the results of blue light therapy. The treatment can be used on any part of your body whether it’s your face, back or legs. It’s a pain-free and gentle treatment, so you don’t have to worry about getting an anesthetic. There are no drugs involved, which means there are few side effects.

What Is The Procedure Like?
When you come in for your blue light therapy session, a member of our clinic staff may apply a topical medication on the areas to be treated. We will then apply the blue light laser to your skin using a circular motion for about 15 to 30 minutes.

How Should I Prepare?
If you’re using retinol or any harsh skin products, then you should discontinue using them two weeks before getting blue light therapy. Stay out of the sun and ask your medical provider if you should stop taking anti-inflammatory drugs.

After Treatment Care
Your skin may be red and tender after blue light therapy. It may also peel, but this is a normal part of the healing process. During this time you should stop using any harsh scrubs or antiseptic cleansers on the treated area. Continue to stay out of the direct sunlight and wear an SPF 30 or higher sunscreen.

We also do laser acne scar removal Los Angeles. Once our clients see the great results from blue light therapy, they are more confident than ever. If you’re ready for smooth skin again, then contact our office for an appointment today.

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